What is Gut Better? Gut Better is a prebiotic fiber and antioxidant supplement that promotes gut health and overall physical health. Gut Better is made from Maya Superfood powder, Virgin coconut oil and Agave inulin. These ingredients provide high quality prebiotic fiber, essential minerals and healthy fat, all of which combine to heal and balance your gut function, make you feel less hungry, more energized, and have fewer cravings. Gut Better can also help with a lot of issues such as immune diseases, heart disease, high cholesterol, anxiety and other things. 

Who should take Gut Better? People of all ages, even children and the elderly, can benefit from Gut Better. People with compromised gut health will notice benefits to their digestion within a week and often people are permanently healed after just 30 days on Gut Better. People who smoke, have cancer or other chronic diseases will benefit from the antioxidants in Gut Better. Just ¾ teaspoon of Gut Better contains 137% of the RDA of antioxidants. This is higher than cacao. 

Who should NOT take Gut Better? You should not take Gut Better if you are on a low FODMAP diet. You should not take Gut Better if you have SIBO. You should stop taking Gut Better if you get excessive gas for more than 5 days. A bit of extra gassiness is normal, but that should resolve after 3 days. 

Can I take too much Gut Better? No. You could eat a few jars of Gut Better in a day and be fine. You would go to the bathroom a lot (#2) but no harm would come to you. 

Is Gut Better okay for pregnant women? Yes, Gut Better is great for pregnancy to keep you regular and your baby healthy. Gut Better is also good to take during lactation, as Maya Superfood is a known galactagogue. If you really want to boost your milk production, get some Maya Superfood Powder and take 2 tablespoons a day it’s more affordable that way. 

How long will my jar of Gut Better stay fresh? Because of the extremely high antioxidant content, Gut Better stays fresh for over 10 years! We recommend you finish your jar sooner than that, however, and buy a new one! 

What is Maya Superfood powder? Maya Superfood powder is made from the dried and roasted seed of a giant rainforest tree, the Maya Nut (Brosimum alicastrum). Maya Nut was a staple food for pre-Colombian cultures throughout the neotropics and is now being produced for consumption and sale by rural and indigenous women in Guatemala and Nicaragua. To learn more, please visit www.MayaNutInstitute.org and www.MayaSuperfoods.com

Is Gut Better organic? Gut Better is actually much cleaner than most foods that are labeled “organic”. We use organic certified coconut oil and organic certified inulin in our Gut Better. The Maya Superfood we use is certified by Maya Nut Certified, and is always tested to be free of heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, aflatoxins and other mycotoxins. Maya Superfood is also a fair wage product. 

Why don’t you recommend probiotics? Your gut is already populated by the species of bacteria that your body hosts. If your gut is “off” and causing problems, it’s because your population of “good” bacteria is low and the “bad” bacteria is high. By feeding your gut the appropriate fiber, the “good” bacteria will thrive and create conditions that prevent the “bad” bacteria from thriving. Probiotics taken by mouth very rarely, if ever,  arrive alive  to your gut because our stomach pH is extremely acidic.  This low pH serves to  kill bacteria, pathogens and parasites that might be trying to “invade” our gut. This makes it  very difficult to introduce live bacteria into your gut. Furthermore, every person’s gut bacteria population is different, and deciding which species of bacteria will benefit you is impossible. There are anywhere from 200 to 1000 different species of bacteria populating the human gut.